Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week #6

Generation IM pointed out just how "plugged in" to technology today's children are. Citing the evidence that children spend hours in front screens, the author showed that students are not simply lazy viewers. They are engaging with society through wiki's, blogs, Facebook and more. Kids are using the internet in a far more active role than most adults, and thus, they are learning it much faster. Teachers are struggling to incorporate technology in the classroom just because they don't have time to learn all about it. When teachers do incorporate technology, however, they are finding positive results. As a future teacher, this just reinforces the fact that technology will play a huge role in my classroom. As a science teacher, I would use interactive technology in order to be able to explore places we would not have access to in our classroom, like the Grand Canyon (via Google-Earth) or inside a blood vessel. Also, it would be neat to construct video games that were based off of the science curriculum to allow students to interact with the material and digest it more fully.

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