Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reflection #1

In the AVID class that I help out in, once a week we do "binder checks" to make sure the students are keeping their binders and agendas updated and organized. This is aimed at helping them practice for being an organized college student. After doing binder checks last week, I was thinking how, when these students get to college, probably none of them will even carry binders or paper agendas. Probably everything will be done on computers or iPads. This made me wonder whether our binder checks were a waste of time,but I realized that binder checks reinforce the importance of organization, and whether you're using a NetBook, laptop, iPad, or good-old three ring binder, organization is very important.


  1. I agree with you because no matter what method or device we use, organization is a skill everyone should take advantage of in order to succeed. I do wish however that "paper planners" were more popular. It forces people to refer back to old school calendars :)

  2. I appreciate you pointing out the change in organizational strategies that student's will go through in regards to technology. I was recently asked to start a binder for my classroom management class and the teacher instructed the class that we would be receiving routine binder checks throughout the course of the class and I looked at her as if she was crazy! Apparently, I have been trained and conditioned to rely entirely on my technological form of organization.
