Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflection #5

Technology is making the world smaller. When I was young, there were so many parts of the world that I wanted to travel and explore, but could only imagine. In today's classroom, these places can be visited for free - virtually. Teachers now have the opportunity to take their classroom exploring at Mount Rushmore or the Grand Canyon using Google Earth. Opportunities for intercultural interaction are many and varied, such as skyping or blogging with students from a school on the other side of the planet. The world is getting smaller via technology as teachers introduce their students to other cultures and places that most kids only could have dreamed of seeing.


  1. Hey Heather,

    This is an excellent point in which you have brought to my attention. A person now has the opportunity to see Africa from their computer and have a basic understanding of what it looks like without ever stepping foot in any country there. In a way it is nice how we have such advanced technology. I hope our current technology helps broaden the understanding of our worlds great diversity and helps bring people closer together.

    Excellent post! Thanks for posting this! :)

  2. Heather,

    You bring up a good point. I was the same way when I was a little girl and now it is so easy to access any information or location. In a way, technology is also expanding our world because we can do things now that we never dreamed of doing. I never imagined that we would be able to see someone across the world, live, but because of technology advancement, we are able to. I think technology has had both pros and cons but it is important to realize both sides.
    Great post! Thanks for sharing.
