Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week #7 - How Technology Can Help with Math

I had been puzzled with how technology could help with math until I started reading about the edublog (edublog.org). Using an edublog, or any type of blog, math assistance is made easy. Teachers can post helpful links or videos that apply to the students' math homework. They can also share slides from class, or videos of them working through tricky math problems. To make it more interactive, students can post math problems they are having trouble on, and other students can assist them by leaving helpful comments. Teachers can monitor the blog and reward students who are helping others problem-solve. Teachers can also use blogs to interact with other teachers and share brilliant ideas for how to teach math in more understandable or more fun ways.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, i think that your summary of this article is spot on. In my opinion, the ability for students to interact with the teacher and each other outside of the classroom is paramount to the learning experience. By giving the students the ability to post their questions on the blog, they have a greater opportunity to develop and refine their math skills and their technological skills.
