Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reflection #2

The community library in my hometown undergoes yearly renovations, and each year it seems like more computers are added. Many years ago, there were just a couple of computers in the library on which adults would check their emails. Any kids in the library were checking out books to read. Now, when I walk into the library after school is out for the day, all twenty of the computers are full, many of them with kids playing video games or on facebook. It used to be that to get away from the world, kids would immerse themselves in a good book and enter the world of fiction. Now, kids go to video games or the world of social media. Is this something we, as future educators, should be concerned about? Will young people continue to choose video games over excellent fiction? Are these video games stimulating and broadening the horizons of their minds the way a good book does? As I watch this generation invest so much time in front of a screen, I don't know whether to embrace or shun the movement from fiction to gaming and social media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there are many concerns about children choosing technology (such as video games) over reading books. Somehow future educators are going to have to find ways to make reading fun and engaging which may include the use of technology in creative ways. I think the storybird website that we used was a good example of how to combine reading, writing, and technology in a fun way.
