Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week #5 - The Promethean ActivBoard

The Promethean ActivBoard is a valuable addition to any classroom. It increases collaboration within the class, helps classrooms to work more efficient, enables a teacher to deliver a lesson more effectually, and saves time through giving teachers access to prepared templates for their curriculum. Its supporters are many, with teachers from AP classes to special education classes singing its praises. One special education classroom in Toronto wrote that the ActivBoard increased the students’ attention by being more interactive. The teachers also saw a difference in the students’ self-esteem; students seemed more confident of their abilities because they had been able to be successful on the Activboard. Because of the ActivBoard’s great rapport, I can see why schools are putting priority on putting interactive white boards into their classrooms. With my only interactive whiteboard experience being on a SMARTBoard, I wonder how different the ActivBoard software and SMART software differ. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was really interesting that the active boards help student's self-esteem. I had never thought of that before. The active board would be a great way to help students who are behind in school. They would be able to have hands on lessons and in the process they would gain confidence in their learning.
