Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week #9

The Tech and Learning article "Caught on Film" by Bob Sprankle is packed with great ideas of how implementing a video camera into everyday teaching engages students, enhances teaching, and encourages learning. I learned that creating videos often in class is a great way to help students remember what was taught -- they can review lessons via video, and they can make videos of themselves solving problems. Videos are also a great way to communicate with parents -- send them highlights of the class through videos. A video camera is also great for chronicling the year --videoing exciting learning moments and experiences throughout the school year so the students can remember highlights throughout the year. Another great idea that caught my attention was to, as a teacher, always carry your small video camera so that if you see something that applies to what you're teaching about, you can film it and later show it to your class. Another idea that Sprankle presented was having your students make tutorials for the next year's students on how to do well in the class. "Caught in Film" contained a lot of great ideas for incorporating video cameras into the classroom. It inspired me to, when I have a classroom of my own, invest in a small video camera to capture the joys and the processes of learning in my classroom.

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