Monday, October 8, 2012

Reflection #3

I have a dream of one day teaching overseas, perhaps in the jungles of Bolivia or the plains of Africa. Today, for the first time, it struck me how hard this could be. Besides the fact that I may not fluently speak my students' language, I realized that I probably will not have access to much technology, if any at all. I might not even have electricity where I teach. In this class, I have seen that technology is hugely helpful in a classroom. It helps the students to focus, it presents great opportunities for interaction, and it enables the teacher to connect with other teachers to exchange ideas. If I'm not careful, I think I could learn to rely on technology too heavily in teaching, so much so that if I get the opportunity to follow my dream and teach overseas, I will not be prepared to teach hands-on, engaging courses without the assistance of technology. Although I want to embrace every tool I can to help me be a great teacher, I need to constantly be aware of how I could teach any lesson just as well without the help of technology.


  1. This is a really good thought. I also have thought about teaching in Thailand for a year or two after I graduate and hadn't even thought about the different availability of technology overseas.

  2. I've thought about this, too. My mom works in a school district that can't afford as much technology as other districts so you don't necessarily have to go oversees to teach somewhere without technology. I think technology can be a great thing for the classroom, and knowing that some teachers aren't as fortunate will make me have more appreciation for any technology I do get and want to know how to use it so I can use it to its full potential and give my students the best education they can get.
