Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week #14 - The Future of Technology in the Classroom

In their article How Information Technology Can Enable 21st Century Schools, Ted Kolderie and Tim McDonald say, "IT (Internet Technology) has been limited to reinforcing—albeit improving—existing modes of teacher instruction rather than transforming them." Kolkderie and McDonald propose that IT has the potential to totally rework how we do school here in the United States. Instead of a "factory mode" where all students are required to learn the same things the same way at the same time, IT is making school more customized to each student. Kolderie and McDonald say that there are huge opportunities for IT to make "mass customized" educational environments for each student to learn. Much like an amazon.com shopping experience where the website is tailored to each customer's interests, curriculum could be adapted to each student so that they can be taught in their learning style about the things they are interested in. All this will happen while increasing their grades. This is the future of technology in the classroom.

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