Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reflection #11

Once upon a time, in a great castle far, far away, there was a library. Here piles of great literary works had been organized and sorted neatly onto shelves. These books were the pride and joy of the king who resided there. Every night he would spend time in his library, reading his many books. Today, a man sits at Starbucks. In his hand, he hold a Kindle and is reading intently. On this one, small device, a whole library of books is stored. This library is his pride and joy, and he carries is around in his coat pocket. The availability of books today is amazing. Instead of hauling a backpack full of books around, a person can simply carry a small electronic device. It is amazing how available books are today.


  1. That is so true Heather. You do a great job illustrating the change technology has brought.

  2. I loved your story Heather. It was fun to read!! You are very creative and also very right. Books now days can be accessed in all sorts of ways.

  3. This is a great example of how technology has advanced! The tools that are available to replace other things are really helpful. However, it is rather sad that libraries won't be used in the same way for much longer.

  4. Another really cool thing is that libraries are now making systems where you can check out free books on your kindle or ipad for an extended period of time. This is the best of both worlds because it allows people to have endless amounts of books on hand but they can still get them for free from their local library!
