Monday, November 19, 2012

Week #13 - Microsoft Office

In Microsoft Office, I generally use three major programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Usually I use Microsoft Word to write documents and take notes in classes. The features that I use the most within it are Save, File, New, Copy & Paste, Font, and Word Art. I use Excel to make spreadsheets to neatly compile information for my work. The features of Excel that I use the most are Font, Font size, Borders, Wrap Text, Merge & Center, New Sheet, and Sort & Filter. Power Point comes in handy to make presentations and present projects to an audience. When making a Power Point, the features I use to build it are New Slide, Design (choose format for project), Font, Insert Photos, Hyperlink, and Animations, in order to make nice presentations.

To help young students learn to use these programs, I could construct three projects. The first project would be with Microsoft Word. Students would interview one another, and then write a paragraph or two about their friend on a Word document. The young author would select the font and the font size that he or she desired, and they would incorporate a creative title made with Word Art. The students would learn how to file and save their documents. Also, I would show them how to Copy & Paste for when they wanted to rearrange sentences within their short essay.

In order to use Excel, the students would ask what was the favorite food and least favorite food of everyone in their table group. They would then build a spreadsheet listing the compiled information. Students could experiment with font and borders and would sort  the names alphabetically.

For Power Point, the students would build a three-slide presentation called "All About Me." The students would put on their power point things that they want to share with the class about themselves. They would build the Power Point using a design, font, and animations of their choice and incorporating any pictures they have available.

1 comment:

  1. I love using Microsoft Word. I do not know what I would do if I did not have it. Its a blessing because it has spell check, copy and paste, different fonts, save options. I think kids greatly benefit from using Word in the classroom and overall there are so many activities kids can do using Word.
