Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week #4 - The SMART Board

Through interacting with SMART Board software on my computer, and experimenting with an actual SMART Board in a classroom, I have learned a lot about the SMART board this week. In class I learned how to find lesson plans for the SMART Board, download them, and maneuver through them. On my own, I have experimented with building lesson pages and copying, pasting, inserting pictures, sounds and interactive objects into my new pages. I feel like I have gained the basic knowledge on how to build and present a lesson on a SMART Board. However, I also see that there is so much more to learn, such as how to build interactive objects and pages. I wonder where I can download pictures of things that I cannot find in the SMART Exchange gallery. Although the SMART Board works great for presenting an interactive lesson, I wonder whether there are perks to using a SMART Board when practicing things like math problems on a white board. 
I love being able to find my way around the SMART Board, and am enjoying interacting with the SMART software. However, just like any new piece of equipment, the more I learn, the more questions I have about it.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I had questions about how to utilize the SMART Board for math too! I've been playing around with it a little bit since I downloaded it. If you're just going through problems as a class on the board, I haven't found much. But, if you were doing a unit on geometry or graphing, there are a lot of things you can use the SMART Board for. Showing relationships between equations and their graph is something that can easily be done. Another thing that I thought was pretty cool was being able to show 3-dimensional objects on the board as a visual to your class for stuff like geometry or the difference between area, surface area, and perimeter. Just some of the stuff I found so far!
