Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reflection #12

I was helping in an AVID class last week and was talking to one of the girls in my group who was struggling on a math problem. She had been watching tutorial videos online to try to get help. However, the videos were not well made and thus were of little use to her. Two things about this struck me. The first thing is that it is awesome that kids can just look online for homework help instead of having to wait for a time to meet with their teacher. The second thing is that when using an online resource to to homework, it is important to have a way to check and make sure that the resource is reliable and well-made and that the information is accurate. Technology is great and makes life a lot more efficient, but if the technology that we use is not accurate, then it is of very little use to us.

1 comment:

  1. So true! I look online for math concepts I don't understand in class. Sometimes it does take a bit of sifting through to figure out what is actually a credible resource, especially for math because a lot of it seems to be mathematically sound.
