Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week #1
Why do I want to be a teacher?
Be it exploring a riverbank together, making mud "cookies," climbing trees, or doing read-aloud stories, I love being with children. Their awe at simple things, like an airplane etching its trail of white across the sky, or a rolly-polly curling into a tiny ball, make me smile and remember to appreciate life's simplicity and joy. Their energy and excitement provides a challenge: as a teacher I want to cultivate and channel this enthusiasm to an enjoyment of learning. My love of children combined with my belief in the value of literacy and that every person in the world should have access to education leads me to the decision that I would like to be a teacher. However, I am daunted by many questions, such as, "Can I be successful in teaching children?"

On the technology side of teaching, I am fairly confident in my ability to use the web, Microsoft Office, Power Point and more. Although I am not proficient, I know that ease will come as I spend time using these tools. I love how simple technology can make things, and I am excited about learning more in my Technology in the Classroom class.